A downloadable game

Current build is that of the battle loop. Its the base structure the battle event scene. Demo is now in early testing. Known bugs. 

Working on:

-keyword implementation

-small inventory_ in progress

-battle history_ in progress

-enemy turn sequence _ implemented

-updated artwork and UI

Some known issues:

-Not Selecting a player in the select screen will likely end up with test spells

-Wicked Smite produces cards in the second grimoire but have the wrong event structure - no minion is summoned

-End game conditional isnt set, so if you or the enemy health reaches 0, you can still play on.


MotI.zip 59 MB
MotI.7z 49 MB

Install instructions

1. Download file

2. Unzip file in location

3. Open Tactics Game exe

4. Give some feedback! (There's probably quite a bit but anything helps)

Development log


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(2 edits) (+1)

-Tooltips while mousing over cards, there's no way to tell what any of the cards do.

-You need some level of differentiation between monster/spell cards based on card visual.

-"Starting actions" is a bit unclear when selecting a character, might want to call it starting cards or just deck.

-Some kind of indicator as to which targets are able to be hit by certain spells.

-Any rule as to ordering? Enemy seems to always attack first before playing cards.

-You need an indicator for when the ai is finished and your turn has started.

-Mana amount never increases? Maybe this is what you're going for but I think that needs explained to some degree because it goes against typical tcg affordances.

-No real choice to be made. Since you have infinite copies of all your cards, you basically just kill units > hit face until you get lethal.

-Coins exist but what do they do?

-End turn button collider is far larger than the button visual.